Spring has sprung around here, so we've been so busy playing outside that I haven't had time to update my blog. Maybe a monthly post is a more realistic goal!
February was a good month. I had a Valentine's dance at school and mom and I went. It took me a little while to get into it, but by the end, I was dancing on the stage.
That's not a very good picture because the place was pretty crazy. Dancing kids and strobe lights everywhere. Mom said she can only imagine what the middle-school dances are going to be like (but she assured me that she would be there to find out)!
Valentine's Day was really exciting because Mom and Dad gave me a Kindle Fire. I was obsessed with it at first but it's lost some of it's luster now, especially since the weather is so nice.
We had a little at-home photo shoot with Emily, trying to catch some smiles.
Ryan took a class with his buddy, Anna, at Maymont. It's the exact same class that I took when I was little and Mom said he loved it. After every class, they got to go through the Nature Center and then have a snack outside.
In March, Mom and I ran a race at my school. I did the 1-mile Heart Hop with Mom and then she did the 5k afterwards. I ran the whole entire thing and told Mom that next year, I'm running with my friends because she just slowed me down.
I had my last basketball game and they had this really fun festival to celebrate! They had sno-cones, jumpies, and lots of games. Ryan and I had a lot of fun checking everything out.
The warm weather means dad has to cut the grass again. We don't like it when he has to do that because that means he can't play with us. But, this year, he let us help him!!
Emily stays outside with us all of the time, but she really enjoys being inside where she can actually play! She loves to sit on our laps, lay under her toys and kick them, and just roll around the floor. I guess next spring, she'll enjoy being outside more when she can actually play soccer with us!
We are excited about Easter coming up and Spring Break!!! I get a whole week off and I think we are going to do something fun!