Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm back!  I thought Fall would be boring and I'd have lots of time to blog but we've been busy and having a great time.  We started off the Fall with a couple of festivals and some apple picking.  We went to Charlottesville to Carter's Mountain with Amy, Reese, and Cole and picked tons and tons of Fuji apples.
Look how far we walked
and then we made an apple pie!!
Halloween was, of course, tons of fun. We started celebrating early with a trip to Pumpkinville with Henry and Adam, which is always a blast!

I did a zipline all by myself. I think Mom and Dad were very surprised!
On Halloween, I stayed out the latest ever and got so much candy!!  Ryan didn't make it very long but he did eat plenty at the Neighborhood Halloween Party before he headed home for bed. I was a Ninja, Ryan was a Dragon, and Mom was a Witch (per my request).  You know, Dad's too cool for a costume!!
So, right after Halloween, Mom and Dad went to Mexico and Grandma and Granddad came down and stayed with us and then MiMa and PaPa stayed with us. Ryan and I had SO  much fun and it sounds like Mom and Dad had an alright time, too.
So, other than that, my first soccer season ended. I loved playing and I think I was pretty good.  We've been watching a lot of Hokie football and we've had some fun football parties. A bunch of my friends come over and we run around the house and Dad doesn't even hardly care because he gets to watch his football game.  It's a win-win situation!! 

So, now we're preparing for the holidays and I'm excited for Thanksgiving...but mostly for Christmas!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Last week was a fun one, although kind of busy. Mom spent a lot of time getting ready for the weekend. She said getting all four of us ready is like organizing an Act of Congress.
I had school and we had a couple of rainy days so we took Ryan to the Jump Zone for the first time.

 Playing with Davis 

 Thursday, we had two playdates.  In the afternoon, Mason and AnnaMarie came overand we played dress up with Ryan. 
 and here's Ryan getting into something he's not supposed to. I told you he does crazy stuff!
Then the week was topped off with a great weekend in Hampton for Uncle Joe and Aunt Ashley's wedding, which was a blast.    MiMa and Papa stayed with Ryan and I on friday so Mom and Dad could go to the rehearsal dinner. Then, PaPa took me to my soccer game (where I scored FOUR goals) and MiMa took Ryan to our friend, Melissa's house. Then we all drove down to Hampton to meet everyone for the big day!
They are married!
 Dad had to give a toast and he did really well. I laughed the loudest to give him some encouragement!
 Mom and Dad
 The three of us
We missed Ryan but he had a great time with the Davis'.  He was excited to see us on Sunday and as soon as we picked him up, Mom, Ryan, and I went downtown to the Richmond Folk Festival.  It was so much fun and I found some kids to play football with while Ryan listened to the music with MiMa and PaPa.

Thank goodness today is a holiday. We are all exhausted and need to catch up!!  We had a great weekend and are so happy for Joe and Ashley.  I have a new aunt!!!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's definitely Fall.  The temps dropped below 60 degrees this evening and as far as I'm concerned, it might as well snow.  We like it HOT!  Mom and I are trying to hang on to the last little bit of summer, which is I thought I'd post some more fun pictures!

My friend, Mason, and I trying to find our way around BG
Two of my favorite birthday gifts: Buzz Lightyear game and a Pillow Pet
Soaking Dad with the water guns 
Friday night Float Night
Trip to the beach
Spraying a real fire hose
 Ryan and Sonic the Hedgehog

So, that's all I've got.  We really need some more pictures of Ryan. Mom says she has 1000's of me when I was a baby but that poor little Ryan doesn't have very many at all.  Well, maybe next post because I just remembered that I never posted any pictures of my first soccer game last week, where I scored FOUR goals.
 My biggest fan
 Ready for kick-off
 Good Game!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Well, summertime has come to an end. The pool is closed and the trips to the beach, Busch Gardens, and the river have all ceased. I guess the only thing I have to look forward to now is SOCCER!! I started school this month and that's pretty cool, although I had gotten pretty used to staying at home with Mom and Ryan so I'm not always that excited about going to school but I do like it. We just had such an awesome summer that I didn't want it to end.
I turned 4 in July with a bouncehouse at home....
Mom bought season passes to Busch Gardens and we went there like 8 or 9 times.  Dad finally got to go with us the last week of summer....
My friend, Reese, has a river house, so we went down there a few times to play.
I spent lots of time with Grandma and Grandaddy and MiMa and PaPa and did all kinds of fun stuff. PaPa takes me fishing and I have caught a bunch of fish this summer. We never made it on the boat (b/c Ryan is too little) but we had lots of fun!  When I go to Grandma and Grandaddy's, I always go to Chuck e Cheese, Kangaroo Jack's, and Cici's.  In-between all of that, Grandaddy has taught me how to play baseball with real baseballs and a metal bat. I think I'm going to be a professional!

Ryan is really growing and he's becoming more fun. I can actually play with him and now he's getting tougher. He crawls all over me and pulls at my hair. Mom says that he's just getting me back for being so rough with him. I figure I need to teach him early or he'll never be able to hang with me and my buddies.

This is the kind of silly stuff that he does....
but, he's still really cute, so we'll keep him.
So, we have some fun stuff planned for the Fall.  Uncle Joe and Ashley are getting married soon so that'll be a big weekend. They aren't having a ring bearer, so I'm still not really sure how they are going to get married....but I guess they'll figure it out.  Mom says Dad might have to hold the rings so maybe I can give him a few hints since I have experience.  Mom also said that we're going to pick apples in Charlottesville soon and then I'm going to spend a whole week with all of my grandparents while mom and dad go to Mexico!  They seem really excited and I cannot wait for them to leave....because a week with my grandparents sounds like the best thing ever!!!!!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Man, I'm having the best summer. I can't believe it's almost July...which means my birthday!! We've been really busy having fun....we've done Busch Gardens, the beach, the pool, and lots of parties. I was also in my first wedding, which was really fun!! This week is particulary busy because we're getting ready to have my 4th birthday party. We're having it at home with a moonbounce and I can't wait.

Ryan is doing really well, too. He doesn't get to do as much fun stuff as me but he does tag along and watch. He still naps a lot and Mom's a little tired because he doesn't sleep all night long. Mom says I was 'super baby' and slept through the night much sooner but I guess Ryan will get the hang of it soon. I love him so much and spend a lot of my time hugging him very very tightly.

Here's a few pictures from the last few weeks:

Yorktown Beach:

Ring bearer in Jennie and Josh's wedding

Playing with Ryan:

Family picture:

Splash party:

Busch Gardens with MiMa

My first trip to the bowling alley:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's been six months since I've updated my blog, but I'm back! I won't even try to catch up on the last six months but the most important thing....the best thing that ever happened to me is that I have a new baby brother, Ryan Michael and he's my new best friend.

Mom quit her job to stay home with us so she'll have lots of time to help me keep this thing updated. My last day of preschool is tomorrow and then I get to stay home with Mom all summer long. We have to stay home a lot so that Ryan can naps (he takes LOTS of naps) but it's still fun and we'll get to the pool a lot this summer.