Well, here we are....six months since my last post. I've decided that I'm going to turn the blog over to Mom. I am just too busy with school, sports, friends, and plain 'ol life to keep up with it anymore. And as I am going through the pictures, I'm realizing that Mom has a lot more time on her hands. I mean, look......
Ryan reads to himself:
Emily feeds herself:
and, I'll spare you pictures, but she only has one hiney to wipe these days because Ryan is potty trained. So, what's left for her to really do? What does she fill her days with? We won't ask her (b/c she acts a little offended) but I'm sure she can spend some of her free time blogging for us.
But, since this is my last post, I will leave you with tons of pictures from the last six months.
First day of first grade
Ryan started preschool
Then, mom and dad took us out of school and to Disneyworld
Emily turned ONE!
We had Thanksgiving at Rick and Leslie's....with this wonderful view
We forgot to tell Ryan to use his best manners
Christmas was big this year. We started off with a practice run with Santa on the day after Thanksgiving. As you can see, only two of us even made it in the picture
Ryan, MiMa, Mom, and I spent a chilly evening at Christmastown
We saw the annual Richmond Christmas Parade...where Rudolph came out unscathed this year
We picked out our Christmas tree
and Daddy cut it down himself!
Mom, Dad, and I went on a tacky light bus tour with a bunch of friends
We saw the Boats on Parade for the first time
We decorated cookies at Davis' annual Christmas Party
We dressed Emily up in lots of silly Christmas outfits
We saw Drifty the Snowman with some friends
We celebrated Christmas at Grandma and Grandaddy's with Owen
and at MiMa and PaPa's with Molly
and at home
and at Uncle Tommy and Aunt Brenda's
and then we were exhausted and Mom stopped taking pictures until we went to Great Wolf at the end of January.
and Ryan turned 3! and got a snowboard
and celebrated with cupcakes with his buddies at school
So there you are.....the last six months in pictures. Hope Mom can keep up with this a little better!