Thursday, June 13, 2013

One more down.....

Today was the last day of first grade and I officially passed and am headed to 2nd!!!  Here I am, headed to my last day of school.

I don't know what we have planned for the summer but we are starting off big with a trip to BG tomorrow and the weekend at the Lake with MiMa and PaPa.  Besides that, I'll be doing a lot of swimming with my buddies on the swim team:
and then just joining in on this craziness that goes on at home:

Happy First Day of Summer!!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Just in case I give off the impression of some All-American sports crazed 6 year old...I want it to be known that I am much more well-rounded than that.  I am also a budding artist!

I had two art pieces displayed at the Hanover Arts and Science Festival this past weekend.  The festival was held at Hanover High School and showcased hundreds of pieces of art and science projects done by students all over Hanover (from K-12th).  It was packed and I'm pretty sure most of those people were there checking out my butterflies.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Break 2013

So much for handing over the blog to Mom...I guess that little comment about her having too much time on her hands didn't go over too well.

Mom and Dad had a little spring break of their own and went to MX without us.....

so we had a 'staycation' during my spring break.  What is a 'staycation,'  you ask?  Mom's way of making it sound cool that we had to stay home during spring break b/c her and dad went on vacation without us the week before ;)

We did have fun, though, and kept Mom busy.  I heard her tell Dad that she definitely wanted to go on vacation next spring break b/c it was exhausting trying to keep us busy (mission accomplished).  I guess she felt bad that she didnt take us on a trip so we got to do lots of fun stuff here!

Spring Break started off with a bang.  We had a half-day of school on Friday.  I had a friend come home with me from school for a playdate until we had to leave for a birthday party. 

Saturday was baseball and a cookout at Davis' and Sunday was Easter.  Mom made us dress up for church and we weren't happy about it but we played along....

Monday, we went to the Reese and Cole's river house for the day.  It was really warm outside so we stayed on the beach all day and played.  We didn't get a single picture, though, because we were too busy keeping up with Emily who would not stay out of the water.  I can already tell that she is going to love the beach this summer!
Tuesday, we went to Busch Gardens bright and early.  Mom braved it with the three of us until lunchtime when Reese and Cole met us there.  I am finally able to ride Appollo's Chariot and it was SO awesome!!!
It was Reese and Cole's first trip to BG so we had to show them the ropes (ie. where to get the best slurpees)
Ryan could ride more ride this year and Emily loved the rides she rode so it was a great day! 
The rest of the week, we stuck around town.  We went swimming, ate lunch out, had a couple of playdates, hit up the science museum, and spent part of the weekend doing lots of yard work.

So, Spring Break was a success!  We had a lot of fun and made mom so tired that she wants to take us on vacation next time.  Now, it's really warm and we have gotten to spend tons of time outside.  We are all getting excited about summer...only 9 more weeks left of first grade!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Well, here we are....six months since my last post.  I've decided that I'm going to turn the blog over to Mom.  I am just too busy with school, sports, friends, and plain 'ol life to keep up with it anymore.  And as I am going through the pictures, I'm realizing that Mom has a lot more time on her hands. I mean, look......

Ryan reads to himself:

Emily feeds herself:

and, I'll spare you pictures, but she only has one hiney to wipe these days because Ryan is potty trained.  So, what's left for her to really do?  What does she fill her days with?  We won't ask her (b/c she acts a little offended) but I'm sure she can spend some of her free time blogging for us.

But, since this is my last post, I will leave you with tons of pictures from the last six months.
First day of first grade
 Ryan started preschool

Then, mom and dad took us out of school and to Disneyworld

Emily turned ONE!
We had Thanksgiving at Rick and Leslie's....with this wonderful view
We forgot to tell Ryan to use his best manners
Christmas was big this year. We started off with a practice run with Santa on the day after Thanksgiving.  As you can see, only two of us even made it in the picture
Ryan, MiMa, Mom, and I spent a chilly evening at Christmastown
We saw the annual Richmond Christmas Parade...where Rudolph came out unscathed this year

We picked out our Christmas tree

and Daddy cut it down himself!

Mom, Dad, and I went on a tacky light bus tour with a bunch of friends
We saw the Boats on Parade for the first time
We decorated cookies at Davis' annual Christmas Party
 We dressed Emily up in lots of silly Christmas outfits
We saw Drifty the Snowman with some friends

We celebrated Christmas at Grandma and Grandaddy's with Owen

and at MiMa and PaPa's with Molly
 and at home

and at Uncle Tommy and Aunt Brenda's
and then we were exhausted and Mom stopped taking pictures until we went to Great Wolf at the end of January.

and Ryan turned 3!  and got a snowboard
 and celebrated with cupcakes with his buddies at school
So there you are.....the last six months in pictures. Hope Mom can keep up with this a little better!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer 2012

This summer has gone by quicker than any other summer of my 6 years. Mom says once school starts, summer gets shorter and boy, is she right. I'm glad, though, because I am so excited to start 1st grade. I can't wait to see who my new teacher is and meet my friends in class.

Kindergarten ended with a bang.  Mom invited a bunch of friends over for a last-day-of-school playdate.  We threw water balloons, ate junk food, and just ran around celebrating our freedom!

I finished up baseball and had a pizza party to celebrate.

We've spent a few weekends at the lake with MiMa and PaPa and Andy, Sammy, and Molly even joined us for one!

Of course, we've been going to Busch Gardens some.  We haven't made it quite as much as we did last year (we went three days in one week last summer) but we have had a lot of fun when we've gone!

We spent July 4th at the pool. We are usually at Grandma and Granddad's but the holiday fell during the week this year so we stuck around here.  The pool was a blast, though...I've never seen so many people there!  Even Emily had a good time!

I turned the big-6 on July 5th!!!  I decided that I wanted to go to Water Country instead of having a party. We had so much fun there that we didn't take one single picture!  It was awesome and I rode eveverything there. I have become quite adventurous in my old age.  We did have the family over for dinner and cake...and presents, of course.

To top off my birthday, Aunt Ashley had her baby!!!  Baby Owen Robert was born on MY BIRTHDAY!!  Mom, Emily, and I went to visit him the day after he was born. He is SO cute and Aunt Ashley and Uncle Joe let me hold him!

After all of that excitement, we headed down to Myrtle Beach for summer vacation!!! We stayed in the same resort as we did last year but this year, we weren't chased away by a hurricane.  We had a great time but Mom and Dad kept saying something about how vacations were supposed to be relaxing and how that's the one thing they didn't get to do. I don't know what they were talking about, though. Who wants to relax when there's swimming, skim boarding, and putt-putting to do!

Between all of this, we've just been doing the 'normal' stuff.....Vacation Bible School, swimming at the pool, and playdates with friends.

Slip 'n Slide with Owen and Liam

Who needs Water Country when you can make your own water slide?!

Emily's morning playtime

Playing ball

Acting silly

It's hard to sum up the summer in one blog post.  We still have three weeks left and we are trying to make the most of it!